Monday, November 2, 2009

More like Jesus...

Today was a good day....but a little sad too. 

To start, today I was killing time because I was too early for work, so I went to Duane Reade and browsed. I saw a magazine issue on "Christianity" and how christians are "supposedly" representing Christ's example and standards. I can't remember the magazine name...ANYWAY....I just read those lines and thought....Do we LOOK like we are representing Jesus? I mean I'll be honest, so many days I'm so grateful to God that He forgives me. But not only should I love His grace...but I should RESEMBLE His son. Do I? Do WE? In NYC there are many many different types of people...different standards, different customs, different lifestyles, different religions, different BELIEFS altogether. Do we LOOK like we BELIEVE? You see so many people PASSIONATE about what they Believe. I hope we are. Or I hope we become more conscious. 

And now for my story.

One of my favorite co-workers name is Elizabeth. She's hispanic and speaks 30% English. We had one cold morning where we waited inside this lobby area until anyone got to work. We talked and kinda had a good conversation. BEFORE that day though, we just always smiled at each other when we passed know the "language barrier." She works in the kitchen, and I'm out front most of the time. Well, I loved when we would just smile at each other every day haha :) ...BUT we finally had a chance to talk that one morning. Since then, we knew each others names and talked a bit more while working together. She told me her and her husband were in NY just for a little while longer...a few more months. Her kids were still in Mexico with her mother. Elizabeth is a sweetheart. No doubt about it. She just has a good HEART. She shows it at work, outside of everyone. my boss hands me a card and says "Sign it." .....

I'm like who is this for? 

"It's for Elizabeth. She's leaving. Today is her last day. Her grandmother died so they are moving back to Mexico asap."

I'll be honest, I was pretty sad...I knew I would be leaving NY in a month and all, but I was enjoying everybody BEING THERE till I left....anyway...Everyone at work was pretty emotional. We all gave her a cake and big hugs. She cried a little, and so did some others. Well what's funny is that our store has only been open for a month and a half....its amazing that people got to like her so fast, right? I kinda think it's because she resembles Jesus....

So when we gave Elizabeth that cake, guess what happened next? Ha. She starts cutting it up and passing out a piece to everyone. She came out to my register to hand me a slice. She just kept going until everyone got a piece. She hasn't even eaten a piece yet... I'm telling you...she's got the heart of Jesus...and it shows in her actions. 

That's something I need to work on. All of my actions, thoughts, drives, need to be closer to Jesus' ways. 

Anyway, so there's my blog post. Don't worry everything is good here :) I'm enjoying every day and everything God wants to put into my days. I'm grateful I get to meet amazing people. I hope and pray we can be more like Jesus. That's what this world needs. 



  1. That was really liz under Brent's account. =)

  2. hahah i was like Uncle Brent reads these?!

  3. I love you danielle! you write so good it give me chills (:

  4. :) Glad u like my stories. I love you STEFANIE MCCLURE!
