Monday, November 22, 2010

Back in the city....just a little "less" city ;)

So exactly one week ago today, me and my friend, Jessica, moved to NYC. We packed up all the "stuff" we could into my new/used...AWESOME car...(which btw holds a LOT my than the little Mazda would have) and drove to NYC. ( 2 little dogs in their lil pet taxi's)

I have been meaning to blog to give an update more quickly, but its amazing how fast time flies and the day is over. Maybe it's just the night-time getting here at 4:30pm. ha I dunno. I've just been really busy trying to get settled in.

So we came up here on a little leap of faith. Neither of us have a job. We didn't already have an apartment. We brought enough money though to last us awhile if we were homeless and jobless a bit longer than expected.

Currently, we have an apartment...and currently, we are both still jobless. Prayers please. :)

Here's how the Beginning went down...

FIRST OFF....God is good. We found an awesome apartment in a matter of 2 days.

But to start...the first day, which felt like an absolute eternity... we were in Staten Island looking and calling for apartments.
We met with a man and his father who told us we could have their "mother-daughter" apartment... (supposedly that's what it's called when your apartment is like a basement attached to a person's home)...they told us we could have it IF we gave him Dad's social security number. That was the very first guy we met with. Weird....he asked for it about 4 times.
"I mean neither of yous guys have'ma hafta have your dad's social security number JUST IN CASE."
To say the least...I had a bad feeling about him. Sooo we told him we'd get back to him on that. Then we prayed about it.

Still DAY ONE... we called a bunch of other landlord people and they kept saying ONE thing to us over and over again..."No...I don't allow pets."

Finally it turned dark out and we met w/ one lady who lived right near the ocean of the south-side of Staten Island...
She lived in a very nice and ritzy neighborhood. We waited for her to get home. (ha...not stalking...just waiting)
She led us down to her "mother-daughter" apartment and it was MUCH nicer than the first guy's.
We loved it. Already had 2 twin beds. Had brand new appliances. Great layout. Had a spot for washer and dryer....BUT it had carpet. Eh...well...the dogs are SORTA potty trained...Either way...we wanted it. The lady looked at us...and said..."How many dogs you have? 2? I'll call you back tomorrow"

We actually thought she liked us. We prayed that she would pick us.

The next day came and we were still checking out apts. Many STILL said "no" about the pets.

Eventually Jessica found this one guy who said we could come by at 4:00 and check his out. He posted it that day. The apt seemed cool on craigslist.

We had a lot of time to waste...and once again, this day, DAY 2, seemed very long...being in a new city without a place to call "home" was a little hard. I don't know why it seemed so long...but I guess anticipation was killing me. The "unknown" was becoming overwhelming.

Anyway, we drove over to his house, knocked on the door....VERY nice house, nice neighborhood...a kid answered the door. He told us to hold on. His mom opened the door and she told us her husband wasn't home. She made her oldest son show us the apt. It was ALSO very nice. AND...had tile floor in every room :) We liked it. It was furnished already...come to find was the last renter's stuff. Well...the dad gets home and starts asking us if we like it. He told us we were the first to respond to his listing on craigslist..(WAY to go Jessica!) He then told us he liked us and just needed to go talk to his wife. So we drove off...well, sort of. We drove about 3 seconds down the road and made phone calls to our parents telling them we THINK we got one. About 2 minutes later we start driving off again and the landlord guy calls us. "Ummm me and my wife talked...she asked if your dogs barked...I told her they meowed like a cat...haha....yous can have it if you want it"

WE were SOOOO happy. It was much better than the first apt...much better than the 2nd one that we even loved...and the best part...LOWER IN PRICE. :) God is too good to us.

Well to sum it up...I know its a long first post...

We have had our work a bit cut out for us. The last renter is kinda...under some weird circumstances...and his stuff should be taken out sooner or later. We moved all of it to the bedroom...good thing the couch is a pull out bed. Much better than the Blow-up mattress we brought to "rough it" till Dad brings the furniture. Once again, God is good...though its a little weird because we feel like we are "renting" some of his stuff...but hey, its in our apt right now. Soo...might as well. Ok I'm gonna stop here. This was just a really long overdue update.

Thanks for all the prayers. God is amazing in so many ways. Now just trying to keep the faith as the job hunt continues...


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