And how it went.
Earlier this week, I got off the subway and saw a man crouched in the corner holding up a sign that read... "Hungry. Broke. & UGLY. Please help."
I was like..."ugly?" That was a new one to see.
Then, later on during the week....a man started singing ON THE SUBWAY..." above all names....beautiful savior...glorious loooorrrrddddd....." WHILE he was holding out his hat for donations and walking along the center isle. It's a GREAT song...but it just seemed odd to be singing while holding out a hat....(please don't think i don't was just NEW and different to me)
THEN.....I was at work and a boy comes up to the counter and says, "This has meat in it. I asked for NO meat." And he shows me his half eaten burrito UP CLOSE.
I was like, "Ohhhh...I'm really sorry about that. Yeah I see the Mahi Mahi...hold on...We'll give you what you wanted."
WELL...Then he tells us what he wanted...and it was NOWHERE CLOSE to what kind of burrito he had....and we were like, "What in the world? We couldn't have gotten it THAT wrong?"
So we give him a new burrito and he walks out the door. A few minutes later a lady walks in and says, "Hi, I'm soo sorry, but a minute ago I gave a young man some food from here...and I thought I gave him the plate of rice and beans...but I gave him MY burrito bag instead....THEN i went back to switch with him and he said he already came here to change it."
We were like... "OH. Weird. He made it seem like we had messed up."
We then make her the Mahi Mahi burrito. She was really of course we didn't charge her....THE WEIRD that the boy came in and said we messed up his order and blah blah blah. She was trying to BE NICE because he looked "hungry" she said. Hm....
LATER that same day.... a lady came in and said, "Hi, so you guys make party packs??? My boss wanted to know how the chips tasted."
I was like...hmm...
She then says, "Can I try a few?? So I can tell my boss??"
I'm, thinking WHAT?! They are REGULAR TORTILLA CHIPS. ....Then i give her some chips...and she walks over to the salsa bar and starts loading up her 5 chips with salsa. Then she sits down to eat. Then she walks out the door.
NOW...the lesson from this week is.....well....I dont really know. EITHER...A) people will do anything for money, free food, etc....including lying....
B) There's another point to all of this...and I just don't know what it is.
OH and THEN...I called mama on the phone when i was running an errand all around NYC....and told her how annoyed i was at all the taxi people HONKING all the Flippin' time. FOR NO REASON!....well....minutes not even in the walking in a parking lot...WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY....and a taxi driver HONKS AT ME!....WHAT?!? I'm WALKING HERE!....oy.
THIS, my friend, is the world we live in. Whether we ever understand it or not...We just gotta be the light...even in the WEIRD situations....and i have to learn...Not to get frustrated and easily annoyed with people. ha. God give me patience and understanding.
BTW...LOVED the coffee shop devo last night with people from the church up here. It made my week :) God is Good.
Peace out
phew! that was certainly an eventful week!