Monday, September 14, 2009

Coco Before Chanel

To say the least: Today was a very good day :)

Now to FINALLY talk about some film stuff... we had an event tonight that I "worked" at. I didn't really do much, but there was a screening of "Coco Before Chanel" tonight at a theater. A few of us interns just had to help check off the guests on the list and answer any questions while people were seating for the film. It was fun though because I got to meet a few more interns that I hadn't yet. BUT the Best part was watching this movie.

It's a movie about Chanel...well Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and her life journey to becoming the creator of Chanel fashions. know me, I know nothing about that stuff...but the film was a good story. It was very well done too. It was in french, but had subtitles. I love good stories and it was a good one.

After the film, the main actress, Audrey Tautou, and the director, Anne Fontaine, had a question and answer session. I really enjoyed getting to be there. It was different than the things I get to do in Alabama ;)

Anyway.. It was a good day. Lots of fun. Working tmrw. Chat more lata!
Thanks for all the comments on the last post and for all the encouragement AND prayers. Guess what? They're being answered. God is good. Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Danielle! I haven't had time to comment here lately but I have been reading the blog and keeping up with what's going on. Your blog is an encouragement to me! I especially liked what you said 2 posts ago that it doesn't matter what we know or what we've accomplished, all that matters is what God has called us to do. Very inspiring to me! I am glad you had a good day!
