Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday Night in NYC!....

Yeah. It's Saturday Night and I my room eating peanut m&ms and drinking kiwi-strawberry Snapple.

YAY!!! ha....I just want everyone to know...I used to have a life...about a week or 2 ago....

I feel like I've been in NYC forEVER. Not that it's bad...because it's NOT....but because I have wwwaaaaaayyyyy too much time on my hands. So what does one do? THINKS. SLEEPS. EATS. and...Texts all day long. ...and catches up on ALL the shows that she's missed over 3 years.

This is my update! haha...interesting? Well...I'll just tell you what's on my MIND. My mind NEVER stops rolling...unfortunately ha.

(great. just ate my last m& sad)

Ok. So first off, thanks for posting comments everyone! makes me feel like people care ha.

Today God is revealing something to me.
"Everything is not what it seems. BUT that's ok. I have a plan...whether you see ANY of it...or not."

I'm not sure about this "dream" of mine at the moment. I think it's the gloomy weekend and intimidating first week in NY. I feel so behind. If I wanna do film...I should have a lot more experience. If I wanna direct movies...I should be a movie buff! If I want to get anywhere in life...I must be assertive and make my own path happen!

I think some of those things....are False. If God wants me to do film...He'll keep leading me that way. If God wants me to be in NY....then He'll walk every step with me and have His way. If God lets me have a hard first week....He has His reasons for it.

And now...I just TRUST that He'll lead me...and I'll just do my part and Love. Because that's really all I know how to do...

I'm gonna go brush my teeth now. G'nite :)


  1. You're right - God will lead you where he wants you to go. Just keep following. You're doing great! Week 1 - over.

  2. (This post is from Barry, using my account)

    I'm sure it was a tough first week; probably to be expected. Just do the work you have been asked to do with a good, clean heart. You will find new friends when God desires it for you. In the mean time, during off days catch up on sleep and enjoy Central Park (only in day light hours). -- Your Dad
